From left to right: Patricia Choppinet, Khaled Kamruzzaman, Leslie Garrido-Diaz, Alexandre Chartier
Board of directors
President: Isabelle Campeau
Vice-presidency: vacant
Secretary: Michel Vézina
Treasurer: Iftu Ahmed
Advisor: Érika Báldo
Advisor: Donna Lajeunnesse
Permanent observers: Annie Audette and Denis Chevrier, community members of the Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise
Fransaskois Archives Committee
Alexandre Chartier; Patricia Choppinet; Wilfrid Denis; Janique Dubois; Alice Gaudet; Annette Labelle; Richard Lapointe; Marie-Louise Perron; Mickael Poplyansky; Dr. Claude Roberto
Executive Director: Alexandre Chartier
Administrative and Accounting Assistant: Chadia Shaza
Audience Development Coordinator: Khaled Kamruzzaman
Programming coordinator: Leslie Garrido-Diaz
Programming Project Officer: Baptiste Labrie-Boulay
Archival technician: Patricia Choppinet
Archives project officer: Omer Labrie-Boulay
Project Officer: Quinn Bell
Guardians of Lys'toire
Leslie Garrido-Diaz; Kassandra Hipkins; Khaled Kamruzzaman; Baptiste Labrie-Boulay; Omer Labrie-Boulay; Janie Average; Kelsey Van Dike